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The World’s Leading Conference on Lean Six Sigma Methodologies


Kahoot! Game on “Lean and Six Sigma Historical Pioneers and Tools"

Industry: All Industries

Level: All Levels

In this session, Dave will host a friendly Kahoot! Game on Lean and Six Sigma Historical Pioneers and Tools.


The Lean Canvas Revolution: Igniting Business Success in the Digital Age

Industry: Software/IT

Keywords: Lean; Strategy; Start-up; LSS; Canvas; Innovation; Ideation; SWOT

Level: Intermediate


Join us for an exciting exploration of the Lean Canvas framework and discover how “Quality in the AI Era” and “Lean Canvas” tools are revolutionizing the way businesses thrive in the digital age. In this engaging presentation, we will delve into the core principles of the Lean Canvas and highlight how it enables entrepreneurs to validate ideas, pivot quickly, and build scalable business models. Learn how to effectively navigate the uncertainties and complexities of the market, optimize resources, and leverage customer insights to drive sustainable growth. Understand risks and opportunities and how to visualize them collaboratively.

Through brief real-world case studies and actionable strategies, we will empower you to embrace the Lean Canvas revolution and unlock the true potential of your business in today's rapidly evolving landscape. Following this new insight, get ready to ignite your business success with the Lean Canvas framework and methodology! Using several engaging whiteboarding and polling tools, the AQI LSS attendees will learn:

  • Understand the fundamental principles of the Lean Canvas framework and how it differs from traditional business planning methods.
  • Gain insight into the key elements of the Lean Canvas, such as customer segments, value proposition, channels, and revenue streams, and learn how to effectively analyze and iterate on them.
  • Explore real-world examples of successful implementation of the Lean Canvas, highlighting how it has helped entrepreneurs identify market opportunities, pivot their strategies, use AI, and achieve sustainable growth.
  • Learn practical strategies and techniques for leveraging the Lean Canvas to navigate uncertainties, make informed decisions, and drive business success in the digital age. Dave will use interactive polls using PollEverywhere ( with login “daveh818”


Dave Harry

CEO, Black Belt Trainer, University Professor, Process Whisperer® Consultants LLC, Greeneville, TN, USA

Dave Harry is a retired U.S. Navy helicopter pilot. He is currently a Black Belt trainer and CEO of Process Whisperer® Consultants LLC in Greeneville, TN. Following a military career, Dave has held various lean, project management, and business analysis positions in manufacturing and consulting organizations.

He currently teaches “Lean Operations Management” classes for the University of Tennessee at the UT Martin campus utilizing AI and digital Avatars. He also teaches Lean Six Sigma, Project Management and PMO-related training for Six Sigma Development Solutions Inc, and the Applied Technology Academy.

He has previously taught Lean Six Sigma “Belt” classes for various companies, including the University of Tennessee, Northrop Grumman, Training Modernization Group (TMG), and Rolls-Royce Energy. Dave is currently on the Boards of the Operational Excellence Society, the ASQ Lean Enterprise Division and several quality-related boards. He regularly presents for the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Society.

He has been a recognized LSS Instructor for several organizations and is a volunteer on a global scale. In addition to LSS Master Black Belt certifications, Dave is a PMI certified PMP® and holds Lean Bronze Certification from SME/Shingo/AME Alliance and is a Certified Scrum Master (CSM).

He is also a Certified Baseline PMO Consultant. Dave is a veteran presenter at the AQI LSS World Conference and conducts Lean Canvas workshops and Toyota Kata workshops.


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